water damage water restoration

Top Water Damage Repair and Prevention Tips by Professionals


Water damage can strike any home at any time and cause all sorts of structural problems and expensive issues. Rainstorms can cause flooding, but even something as minor as a leaky faucet can lead to plenty of residential stress and costly repairs. In fact, a leaky faucet can waste as much as 100 gallons of water a day.

Since household water issues can cause so much damage, it’s important that every homeowner is fully aware of how to prevent some of these issues and handle them once they have already occurred.

dealing with water damage

Must-Do Water Damage Tips

Here are some excellent tips for preventing and dealing with water damage inside your home:

  1. Maintain trees and vegetation — Though some shrubs can look great, unkempt shrubs and trees can decrease your home’s look and even ruin its value. Roots can wrap around pipes and break them, leading to all sorts of water issues.
  2. Disconnect hoses — If you notice any standing water inside your home or garage, you need to act quickly to minimize damage and save money. The first thing you should do is stop the water flow by disconnecting your hoses.
  3. Limit indoor dampness — Neglecting to control indoor moisture can lead to mold and mildew infestations. Take a look in damp areas like crawlspaces, attics, in walls, and inside the basement. The best way to prevent mold buildup is to ensure quality ventilation, stop all leaks, routing water away from your foundation, and keep crawlspaces dry. Contact mold removal and mold prevention professionals if the problem worsens.
  4. Get rid of any damaged item — If anything in your home has been damaged by water, it’s best to just get rid of them. Removing water-logged and damaged items can be difficult, but it will help you minimize overall damage and dry up your home.
  5. Improve your home’s air quality — When it comes to dealing with water damage, focusing on the air quality is a great place to start. Residential bacterial and microbial growth can start forming within 48 to 72 hours after water issues. Start the drying process with box fans and dehumidifiers to help control the air quality and remove the humidity from the air.
  6. Control indoor moisture — The best way to stop mold, mildew, and water damage is to control dampness inside the home. The worst water infestations typically occur in damp crawlspaces, up in attics, and walls where water has leaked in from outside the home. Make sure you’re monitoring your basement’s moisture level, as well. “Smart” bathroom timers and humidity sensors are great for monitoring indoor moisture levels.
  7. Hire professional plumbing services — Whether you are scheduling an annual plumbing inspection or are in need of plumbing repairs, you should consult with professionals to ensure you’re getting quality service. Dealing with water damage can be incredibly stressful, but professionals can help alleviate that stress and get your home back to normal.
  8. Don’t delay water cleanup — The longer you wait to get your home clean and free of water damage, the more permanent the damage will be. Mold can quickly grow inside walls and will cost a significant amount more in the long run — so it’s best to act fast.
  9. Stop the flow of water — If flooding or any kind of water damage has occurred, before you do anything, you should stop the water from flowing to avoid other residential issues. If the flooding was caused by a burst pipe or a water heater failure, you need to shut off the main water line inside your home right away. Contact an expert immediately if you’re unsure of where the water is actually coming from.

If you want to learn more about dealing with water damage and schedule a mold inspection and consultation, give Hydroforce Cleaning Systems a call at  630-835-0862 right away.

Avoid these five water damage mistakes 

According to Farmers Insurance, there has been a 1,100 increase in mold-related claims over the last 10 years. Residential water damage can lead to serious mold and mildew problems, which can subsequently result in extremely costly additional damage.

Though minor water-related issues around the home can be tended to easily, the majority of water problems should be handled by professionals. If you are attempting to clean up any mold or mildew around your home, make sure you’re being extremely careful.

flooded house cleaned by Hydroforce Restoration

Here are some common mold, mildew, and water damage cleanup mistakes that people often make (beware of these at all costs):

  • Waiting too long to address the issue — If your home has dealt with any flooding, sewage issues, or any water-related problem — you need to act right away. Waiting too long can result in far more significant and costly damage to various aspects of your home. The first 48 hours after the water-related damage has occurred are crucial if you want to save your walls, carpets, ceilings, structure, and bank account.
  • Not utilizing the correct equipment — For serious mold issues and flood damage, you can’t just use a mop or paper towels to clean everything up. You need specialized equipment, which is why it’s imperative to hire water restoration and cleanup professionals early on.
  • Neglecting electrical outlets — As soon as you identify any water-related problem inside your home, you need to unplug everything to avoid electrical issues. During a residential flood, make sure you’re unplugging and keeping all your electrical components well above the water level.
  • Using bleach — Bleach is great for killing all kinds of bacteria and germs around your home, but you can’t just wipe down a moldy surface with bleach and expect the problem to solve itself. The mold will regrow in the same place no matter how much bleach you use.
  • Not calling professionals — The biggest mistake you can possibly make following any kind of water-related damage is to not get professional help. You can do a little to minimize the damage, sure, but to complete ensure that your home is safe and mold-free, you need to consult with professionals.

If you want to have professionals handle your household water damage and mold cleanup, you can contact Hydroforce Cleaning Systems at 630-835-0862 for thorough water cleanup, mold inspection and consultation, and even 24-hour emergency plumbing services.

disaster recovery water restoration

Nationwide Flooding Causing Mold Issues For U.S. Homeowners



According to Farmers Insurance, there has been a 1,100 increase in mold-related insurance claims over the past 10 years. As more and more storms strike communities around the country, these problems aren’t going away any time soon. In many major cities, hurricanes and flooding are becoming part of life. As a result, all U.S. homeowners need to remember to hire storm damage specialists and professional mold inspection and consultation professionals to prevent further physical damage and expensive repair bills.

According to CityLab, when Hurricane Florence made landfall in the Carolinas, it brought with it more than 30 inches of rain in some areas, leading to flooded roads all over the region. Similarly, Hurricane Michael caused major flooding problems in the Florida Panhandle. Now, many of these U.S. residents have to tear out their home’s drywall and flooring in order to identify and get rid of any residential mold.

Additionally, The Bay Net reports that more than 50 inches of rain has fallen onto Baltimore streets in recent months, causing all sorts of mold outbreaks.

Nationwide Flooding Causing Mold Issues For U.S. Homeowners

“All the major storms we’ve had recently, and the ground got so saturated and had nowhere to go. It just came into the basements,” said Sol Kruk, owner of Property Inspection Pros.

Whenever a household has water or moisture damage, mold and mildew can start to form within 24 to 48 hours of water exposure on surfaces like ceiling tiles, wallpaper, wood, drywall, insulation, and carpets.

So what happens when mold is neglected and remains inside a home? If mold growth is not stopped within a 48-hour time period, there are some major problems on the horizon — and we’re not just talking about damage to your home. Mold can cause coughing, wheezing, respiratory issues, and other eye and skin irritations, as well as some other serious health concerns. Pregnant women, the elderly, as well as infants and young children are at much higher risk of having detrimental health effects as a result of mold exposure.

Because of these health concerns, storm damage specialists need to be consulted with right away after a hurricane or significant flooding. Water damage cleanup can not only prevent your home from being destroyed and save you money in the long run, but it can also ensure your family’s safety.

Don’t neglect your home after a major storm because even the slightest moisture issue can result in major water damage and mold. If you’re in need of plumbing professionals and storm damage specialists here in Chicago, give Hydroforce Cleaning Systems a call right away.