water restoration

4 Hidden Places to Check For Mold


Over 30% of brand new homes constructed have some kind of mold in them. Though mold issues are quite common when it comes to residential properties, it’s a serious issue across the business sector, as well. Thankfully, there are professional commercial services that can perform mold inspection and consultation services, as well as help with mold cleanup and prevention.

Whether you’re taking care of your home or your business, you need to know where to look for mold. There are plenty of areas throughout a structure that can have mold growing but might be tough to actually see. Here are some hidden places to regularly check for mold around a building:

4 Hidden Places to Check For Mold

  • Air conditioners — This is especially true when you’re not using your AC units. The air that AC units bring in from outside contains pollen and dirt, which are perfect for mold growth. AC units that sit for long periods of time are likely to contain all kinds of mold spores. Preventing mold inside your AC can be done by simply running it every single day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Underneath the carpet — Mold can lie beneath the carpeting, inside the floor padding. Any liquids that have spilled onto the floor will lead to mold growth over time.
  • Storage boxes — If there are a lot of cardboard boxes on your property, it’s best to regularly inspect them for mold. Cardboard boxes and paper files can lead to mold if they are being stored in humid environments or a water spill or leak has recently occurred.
  • Window sills — Window sills are a great spot for mold to start and spread since they are consistently exposed to moisture from condensation. Make sure to wide down all your windows sills throughout your home or business and consult with mold commercial services right away if you identify a lot of mold (this goes for anywhere in the building).

If you want to learn more about mold prevention and want to work with professional commercial services, give Hydroforce Cleaning Systems a call today.

water restoration

Avoid These 3 Common Plumbing Mistakes


Plumbing is one of the most important aspects of property ownership. If you’re not careful, a single leak or pipe issue could cause all sorts of physical damage to your home, subsequently costing you and your family thousands of dollars in repairs and new equipment purchases.

Thankfully, there are roughly 555,900 individuals employers as professional plumbers, pipefitters, pipelayers, and steamfitters. These professionals can offer all kinds of plumbing services and save your home from being destroyed by water and piping issues. Though plumbing services aren’t free, reaching out to professionals will end up saving you and your family a significant amount of money in the long run.

It’s important to note, however, that even if you plan on having local plumbers come over to your home and take a look at your home’s plumbing system, you could end up doing additional damage if you’re not careful. Far too many homeowners make simple mistakes when it comes to their plumbing, which end up causing all sorts of expensive and damaging problems.

Avoid These 3 Common Plumbing Mistakes

Here are some common residential plumbing mistakes that homeowners need to be aware of at all costs:

  • Putting the wrong things down your drain — Only pour liquids into your sink and never flush anything other than toilet paper and feces into the toilet. A lot of homeowners mistakenly put all kinds of things into their sink’s drain. Even if you have a garbage disposal, though you can get away with some produce debris, you should still only pour liquids. Here are some items that homeowners mistakenly pour down their drain: coffee grounds, eggshells, cat litter, cotton balls, car fluids, fruit, hair, paper towels, and flushable wipes.
  • Using drain cleaners too often — Drain cleaners are great, but they shouldn’t be overused. When homeowners have a drain blockage, they usually turn to drain cleaners prior to consulting with a plumbing professional. Using them too much, however, can corrode pipes and cause all kinds of additional damage.
  • Not turning the water off — You can’t just leave your water on and quickly swap in a new valve or perform other plumbing tasks. If you do, you’ll have the full water pressure of your system flooding all over the place. Any time you’re performing your plumbing jobs, make sure you turn off the water.

If you’re in need of 24-hour emergency plumbing services or water damage cleanup, don’t wait. Contact Hydroforce Cleaning Systems right away!

water restoration

Keep Mold Out Of Your Home And Bathroom With These 3 Tips



Mold can be a terrible nuisance for a homeowner. It can look terrible, decrease property value, and even cause some serious health concerns. Plus, according to the Mayo Clinic, 93% of chronic sinus infections have been attributed to mold.

If a home has a serious mold problem, immediate action is required and you should contact local plumbers and mold cleanup specialists. However, if mold only resides in small areas of your bathroom, there are a few things that you can do prior to reaching out for professional help. But it’s important to keep in mind that in order to completely rid your home of this problem, you need to hire mold removal professionals, even if it’s for the smallest mold issue.

For quick mold cleanup jobs inside your home’s bathrooms, consider these following tips:

Keep Mold Out Of Your Home And Bathroom With These 3 Tips

  • Use hot water, baking soda, and bleach — For a quick and affordable way to clean up mold inside your bathroom, get some baking soda and bleach. All you need is a single teaspoon of liquid soap, a cup of baking soda, a few drops of an essential oil, and water. Then, mix that solution with some bleach and transfer it into a spray bottle. Spray the affected area, like a bath tile or your bathroom ceiling with the solution and allow it to dry. Once it has dried, scrub it with a brush and rinse until the mold is gone.
  • Use vinegar — Another inexpensive method for addressing bathroom mold is to put vinegar in a spray bottle. Since vinegar is only mildly acidic, it can clear out a moldy part of your bathroom without cause for health concerns. Make sure you don’t dilute the vinegar with water when placing it into the spray bottle, however, because you’ll need it to be at full-strength and not watered down. After you spray the mold, let it rest for about an hour and then wipe it clean with hot water before drying it off with a clean towel.
  • Keep your bathroom clean — Keeping your bathroom clean is an essential responsibility for all homeowners. After you’ve had local plumbers and mold cleanup professionals address any mold and mildew inside your bathroom and throughout your home, keeping it clean will prevent future mold from growing.

If you’re in need of local plumbers in order to address mold and other plumbing emergencies inside your home, give Hydroforce Cleaning Systems a call right away.